How to be safe in Jamaica as a solo traveler + [excerpts from women sharing their experiences traveling to Jamaica alone]

Imagine you’ve always wanted to travel to Jamaica, but you have no one to travel with. And you just can’t wrap your head around the idea of going alone. You’ve probably heard stories of women traveling alone and they’ve had a bad experience, so safety is your number one priority.  And let’s not even talk about the vacation plans not making it past the group chat. We’re here to let you know you don’t have to wait on your friends and you can visit Jamaica alone and get the most out of your vacation in Jamaica. When I say the most, I mean not just relaxing at your hotel, and actually going out to experience the “real” Jamaica. 

Here are a few tips to help you become equipped for that solo trip to Jamaica. 

Book your excursions/tours through a reputable source

When you’re traveling solo, you don’t just want to wing it. It’s best to plan ahead of time, especially since you’ll be alone. Most people usually leave their excursions as a last minute thought and might decide on a whim, while already on vacation, to do something outside the hotel/resort. My friend, you don’t have that luxury. Since you won’t have others with you, research and planning is your best friend. Plan and book every detail of your trip with a reputable company before you get to Jamaica. That way you’ll have the comfort and peace of mind knowing what you’ll already be doing. 

Before you leave your hotel, let your concierge know you’re going on an excursion

Don’t take for granted the power of letting others know your whereabouts. I know you’re in a strange country and far from home, but make a friend. That’s what your concierges are for! Plus, Jamaicans are generally friendly so believe me when I tell you it will be second nature for a Jamaican to befriend you. In addition, your hotel concierges are there to help take care of you while you’re in Jamaica. So help them help you. Here’s a few things to let them know:

  • Where you’re going on an excursion
  • Who’s taking you
  • When you’re going 
  • When you’re expected to get back to the hotel 

Tell a family/friend back home what your plans are

In addition to letting your concierge know you’re going out on an excursion, tell a trusted family or friend back home what you’re up to. This will give you an extra buffer of safety and just feeling at ease. If you have an itinerary, that would be great. This way you can easily share your itinerary with them, letting them know your plans for this trip. 

When you’re out having fun, don’t tell anyone you’re traveling solo

The reason you don’t go out alone when you’re at home is probably the same reason you might be hesitant about traveling alone. You want to do all the fun stuff but it might not be the same as doing it with a friend. Here’s the key to make sure you have an experience as equal as if you had a friend with you. Connect with new people! Yes, they’ll chat with you, share stories and even take your pictures! Just be cautious, and avoid telling anyone that you’re on vacation alone.Which brings me to the next thing…

Don’t exchange contact info with a stranger just to meet up with them

Yes, you’re having fun and you’ve made a genuine connection. I sure hope it is. While it might be okay to share your contact info with someone you’ve just met, don’t do it with plans to meet up with this person while you’re on this trip. Take some time to get to know him/her more before you meet again. Wait it out a bit. 

Always keep sober

We can’t stress how important this is. This is not a girls trip, neither are you on a trip with your boo. Keep sober at all times! Whether you’re at your hotel or on excursions, do not drink too much. This is not the kind of trip you’d want to get drunk on or get high, so forget about smoking weed until another trip. Don’t put yourself in a position to be taken advantage of. Remember when traveling alone, you don’t want to let your guard down too much. Yes, relax and have fun but do it sober. Besides, being sober will give you better memories 😄

Here’s what some other women who’ve been on a solo trip to Jamaica have to say (some comments from our Instagram community): 

And that’s a wrap

When traveling alone, there’s no such thing as being too cautious. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Be on your Ps and Qs, but let loose and make the most of your experience. Until next time- live, laugh and explore! 


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